The British Computer Society (BCS) and Computing ran their Annual IT Innovation awards event at the Evolution Centre in Battersea Park on Wednesday 8th Nov evening. One prize was for IT Innovation in the Charities Sector and this was won by Plant Heritage with LEO Computers Society and The Centre for Computing History (CCH) as runner up (Highly Commended) for the Virtual LEO I. The event was attended by Peter Byford, Bernard Behr, John Paschoud and Vince Bodsworth of the LEO Computers Society and more will be in the upcoming Newsletter as a Stop Press. Announcement Read all about Virtual LEO I here
LEO Remembered has been substantially revised and added to by Hilary Caminer, of the LEO Computers Society and Lisa McGerty of the Cambridge Centre for Computing History. There was an event on 28th September on Zoom to launch the new book . You can also order copies of the book at the link below at GBP8 plus postage. Please specify quantity and address (especially country) for delivery if you want to order and we will send a cost quotation and instructions for payment.
The LEO Computers Society and partners Centre for Computing History are delighted to announce that their film about LEO, the world’s first business computer has won the Association of British Science Writers (ABSW) Video of the Year Award 2022.
LEO, otherwise known as the Lyons Electronic Office, was a pioneering British computer developed in the early 1950s by J. Lyons & Co., famous for tea, cakes and the teashops that were once part of the fabric of British life.
The film was commissioned as part of a lottery-funded project ‘Swiss Rolls, Tea & the Electronic Office’, which is preserving, cataloguing and making accessible the heritage of this remarkable machine so as to raise awareness of this relatively unknown British story.
Judges commented that the film was “an absorbing and textured piece with excellent and evocative archive footage”. It aims to introduce a whole new generation, from secondary school age upwards, to the remarkable story of the birth of a technology that, today, we take for granted.
Lisa McGerty, manager of the project said: “We’re honoured to have had the LEO film we commissioned – and which was expertly made by Richard Hollingham and Jamie Partridge of Boffin Media – recognised as the Association of British Science Writers’ Video of the Year. LEO’s story really is remarkable and it is a privilege for us to work with some of the surviving pioneers on this project, as well established film producers like Boffin. The first LEO computer was an astounding feat not just of engineering but also of vision by a company that had the foresight to recognise just how computers could revolutionise business at a time when computers didn’t really exist. Everyone should know about it.”
The film is freely available to watch at It will be signposted to schools and colleges as part of The Centre for Computing History’s learning programme.
Notes 1. The film has been created by Boffin Media, an award-winning production company specialising in science and space. The Producer is Richard Hollingham and the Director is Jamie Partridge.
2. The LEO Computers Society is committed to promoting and protecting LEO’s history. Membership of the Society is open to all ex-employees of LEO Computers and its succeeding companies, anyone who worked with a LEO computer and anyone with a specific interest in the history of LEO Computers. Among its members are pioneers from the very early days of computing and membership is currently free of charge. Visit Follow @leocomputers51.
3. Established in 2006, the Centre for Computing History is a charitable heritage organisation with a strong focus on learning. Since opening in Cambridge in August 2013, the Centre has helped people understand how tech has shaped the modern world and revolutionised the way we live, work and play through interactive displays and exhibitions, our schools programme, learning events and workshops, and an astonishing collection of computers old and new. Visit Follow @computermuseum
4. Using money raised by the National Lottery, The National Lottery Heritage Fund inspires, leads and resources the UK’s heritage to create positive and lasting change for people and communities, now and in the future. Since The National Lottery began in 1994, National Lottery players have raised over £43 billion for projects and more than 635,000 grants have been awarded across the UK. Follow @HeritageFundUK on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and use #NationalLotteryHeritageFund
For further information on the museum, the Society, the LEO project or for images, please contact: Lisa McGerty (, 01223 214446 / 07825 794791) or Peter Byford (, 07944 038489).
Jason Fitzpatrick the CEO of the CCH gave LEO Computer Society members a virtual tour of the exhibits at the Museum on 27th April. The meeting was held on Zoom and recorded for those who wanted to attend but who were not able.
The recording is now available on this Website and can be viewed by following the link above. In addition an updated version of LEOPEDIA as at 30th April has been also uploaded to the Website
The Zoom Video can be viewed by following This Link and the updated LEOPEDIA Here
There was another Zoom on Monday 24 January 2022 at 15:30 GMT. The topic was “Inside the LEO archive” and was led by Luke Thorne, our Archivist at the Centre for Computing History at Cambridge. A recording is available at
REUNION and LEO Exhibition: Sunday, 10th April 2022
From midday at the Victory Services Club, Marble Arch, London W2 2HF. As usual this will be an opportunity to meet old friends and colleagues and others with an interest in early computing. There will be refreshments and exhibitions of LEO related materials – as well as the usual raffle! Details to follow in the new year.
Tickets (to include a light lunch) cost £27 if bought before 31st January 2022 (£30 thereafter.)
To download a form to send with your application and with payment details click here
September 1951 – At J. Lyons & Co on Wednesday, 5th September 1951 the Bakery Valuations programme was run to completion on real data as an experiment to test the hardware. As noted in Ernest Lenaerts notebook for that date it ran from 3:50 to 5:35 without a fault and was the longest run of any programme at that time.
The BBC programme Antiques Road Trip made a stop off at Cambridge to visit the Cambridge Computer History Museum and interviewed Jason Fitzpatrick the Museum founder. Jason covered many interesting topics including early calculators, EDSAC, LEO and the BBC Micro and ARM chips.
2021 marks LEO’s 70th Anniversary Year – unfortunately the Trustees felt they had to postpone the Reunion from 2021 but replace it with a series of Zoom events to celebrate the events of 1951 (see the post on the new Zoom dates) The new date for the Reunion at the Victory Services Club is Sunday, 10th April 2022
On 15th February 1951, a LEO diary note read: ‘It can be said that on this day, LEO performed its first programme before HRH Princess Elizabeth.’
LEO I was still under development at that time but later in 1951 LEO ran its first programme.
The Society Secretary wrote to the Queen earlier and received this reply a few days ago.
Ernest Lenaerts who was one of the designers of LEO I kept a detailed diary with technical notes and recordings of events left the following entry in his record of 16 February 1951 16-2-51 HRH was no more and no less impressed than I had expected. The information printed by the Teleprinter was unintelligible except of course for the message printed at the bottom which provided some light relief. Fortunately LEO made few mistakes – obviously not subject to stage fright and the Demo went off smoothly. A little more interest was shown I think in the interior of the machine when she saw the complexity of the circuits – how many of this machines like these in existence? Only one other in working condition – No others on commercial clerical problems. This auspicious occasion called for an enormous improve in general tidyness of the lab and I must make an effort to preserve this. My own desk was clear for the occasion – the first time in months. Work on the machine can go ahead again and I have been given a more or less free hand to proceed on which problem I deem the best tackled first. The object will be to bring the machine to full operating condition as soon as possible so that Caminer & Co can get [[weaving]] on some of the programmes that they have kept up their sleeves for so long. The first and most obvious fault to be cleared is the corruption in the Teleprinter which I Think are due to breakthro in the output Unit. Other troubles to be cleared are occasional “1”s being added into the store. These have the effect of spoiling all of the test programmes received from Cambridge ”
Following the successful AGM using Zoom to hold the meeting online we have decided to try to have more regular meetings. The next one is on Mon 08-Mar 2021 10:30 GMT
Applications are invited for a new archivist post, based at CCH (Centre for Computing History, Cambridge). The Land Archivist, funded for two years by the AIT Trust, will continue to conserve, catalogue, and digitise the LEO Computers collection, building on work completed as part of our lottery-funded project which ended in 2023.
Funding agreed for new Land LEO archivist post at the Centre for Computing History, Cambridge
We would like to share some exciting news with you. Since the end of our major lottery-funded project last year, we have been aware of the need to continue the important work of professionally archiving our collection of LEO material. Most of that material has come from your generous donations and is currently at the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge, some of it already archived, but much awaiting attention. .
Now we have received the excellent news that the AIT Trust has granted us the funding we need to pay for a new archivist appointment – to be named the Land LEO archivist in honour of Frank and Ralph Land. This post will be based at CCH and will last for 2 years.
To read more about this , please go to Press Release
We are delighted that this funding will ensure that the LEO archive continues to be properly preserve and promoted. Our first task will be to advertise and recruit for the post and we will, of course, keep you up to date with the progress of this project.
THE 19TH LEO REUNIONThe National Museum of Computing, Bletchley Park,Thursday, 31ST October 2024
2024 Reunion at TNMoC
Peter Byford's Welcome Address
Raffle Prizes
On the tour
Anna Ryten drew the raffle Tickets
On the tour
On the tour
All the attendees
On the Tour
On the tour
Big Yellow show the plans
Narrative by Peter Byford
Thirty members of the LEO Computers Society, some with their wives, plus Simon Allen (Head of Development, Big Yellow Storage) and Anna Ryten (architect for the redevelopment project for 66 Hammersmith Road, formerly Cadby Hall) attended this Reunion event.
The event officially started at 11am, however many arrived a little earlier. Several came some distance, often by train; we had people coming from Hampshire, Kent and Dorset. Train delays meant that some arrived late. Tea, coffee and biscuits were available throughout the event. Peter brought his own collection of LEO and Lyons memorabilia of ashtrays, flowchart template etc. and this also included a folder containing all the information (including attendees) for the first reunion in 1978.
At around 11.30 Peter Byford welcomed the attendees to the 19th Reunion and explained that we were the first people to come to the refurbished TNMoC. Peter welcomed our two guests, Simon Allen and Anna Ryten whose redevelopment project for 66 Hammersmith Road includes references to Lyons and the LEO heritage. They shared many of the drawings and images used in the planning application with the members at the reunion. You can see some of these on this page
Peter then set out the programme for the day which included tours by Vince Bodsworth and Sheridan Williams, volunteer TNMoC guides and members of the Society after lunch.
Jacqui Garrad, Director of TNMoC welcomed us to the museum and said that she was keen to have better links with the Society. This was followed by Vince Bodsworth giving a demonstration of the Virtual LEO 1 display which is being introduced to TNMoC as part of the Society’s Museums Project. Eric Dickens then presented the CLEO Premium bond demonstration, which will also be part of the Museums project. Simon Allen and Anna Ryten showed members the documents and pictures describing their plans for the Hammersmith Road development which were displayed on a table.
We had expected ten raffle prizes, In the event Anna Ryten’s promised prize turned out to be very generous, 6 bottles of champagne. Jacqui Garrad was also generous with 2 bottles of wine and several other items. I would also like to thank Neville Lyons and Frank Land for their prizes. As in previous raffles, Nigella Lawson and Thomas Harding kindly provided signed copies of their books. We also had 3 LEO books donated by the Pinkerton family.
As a result, the majority of attendees were able to win a prize. Bernard Behr brought the Society’s credit card reader and this was used to good effect, although most people paid cash. We sold 35 tickets and made £175. I would also like to thank Mike Tyzack for producing the excellent name labels for the attendees.
After a nice lunch which catered for those with dietary problems, Vince and Sheridan took groups around TNMoC, this included EDSAC and briefly the LEO display which we are looking to improve. Simon and Anna particularly mentioned how they enjoyed the tour around TNMoC. The event finished soon after 4pm.
LEO Matters Issue 16, November 2024 has been published and circulated to Members and others. It can be downloaded by following the download link on this page .
A new/updated leaflet about LEO has been produced for use at gatherings and in emails to people who may have an interest. It is in a PDF document which can be printed out or attached to messages. It is two sides exactly and so ideally printed on a device that can handle two sided printing. (On single sided printers print one side then turn the paper over to print the second side)
LEO Matters Issue 15, June 2024 has been published and circulated to Members and others. It can be downloaded by following the download link on this page .
Andrew Herbert, is a distinguished Computer Science practitioner who hails from the Cambridge Tradition. Having held a very senior position in Microsoft Research, in retirement he is the leader of the project on display at TNMoC to construct a replica of the pioneering EDSAC I computer at the University of Cambridge which first went into service in 1949.
On 26 April 2024 Andre spoke to the LEO Computer Society on Zoom about the reconstruction project , now close to completion. He spoke of the challenges of reconstructing a machine for which there were very few surviving circuit diagrams – the EDSAC reconstruction team worked mostly from contemporary photographs and secondary sources and research into established circuits for “computing with waveforms” known to 1940s electronics engineers.