Zoom For LEO Computers Society Members

We are organizing a new series of Zoom Meetings.

See Below

Wednesday Online celebrations!

During the past year we have discovered that online forums and presentations have been a great way to get our members together. Zoom has allowed former colleagues, now living in different continents to reminisce together and for, 22nd September 17.00 BST AGM including updates on all our activities and a vote for Trustees. This will be followed by a discussion among members on ideas for the future. 

Tuesday, 19th October 10.30 BST   We hope to bring you a tour of The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park. As many of you will know, TNMoC has a reconstruction of EDSAC, the computer built at Cambridge which Lyons helped to fund so that they could develop a commercial computer for themselves.

Wednesday, 17th November 15.00 GMT  Our new LEO Film! By this date in 1951, LEO was almost ready to run its first regular clerical run working on the Lyons Bakery Valuations Job.  As part of our National Lottery Heritage Fund programme, we have had a 15 minute film made about LEO. This will be given its press launch in late November to chime with the actual anniversary itself, but we have managed to arrange for our members to be given an exclusive pre-launch viewing. The film will be followed by an opportunity for members to comment and for a discussion with the filmmakers.


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