DOB 1919-1997
Interviewee: John M.M. Pinkerton Interviewer: Chris Evans
Date of Interview: 1975
Role in LEO: Chief Engineer Joined LEO: 1948
Abstract: John Pinkerton joined Lyons as chief engineer at the very beginning of the LEO initiatve and led the engineering side until the merger with English Electric. He held senior engineering appointments within the merged companies until his retirement. Much of the success of the LEO enterprise lay in his genius for bringing innovative ideas to practical fruition – one of the true heroes of the information age.
Repository: London Science Museum
Audio Recording: Tape 6 in Christopher Evans’s ‘Pioneers of Computing’
Transcript: Evans, Chris, (1983) Pioneers of Computing, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Vol. 5, No 1, pp 64-72, January-March.
Copyright: Audio, London Science Museum, Transcript, IEEE