LEO editor

Interviewee: John Simmons

Interviewer: Chris Evans

Date of Interview: 1970s

Edited Transcript: Science Museum

Copyright: Science Museum

Reprinted as Interview between J.R.M. Simmons, Director and Chief Comptroller of J. Lyons & Co., and the Science Museum, London. Appendix B, in Caminer, D.T., Aris, J.B., Hermon, P.M., Land, F.F. (editors and contributors) LEO The Incredible Story of the World’s first Business Computer, McGraw Hill, New York, pages 360-374

Please Note: This item is not in the LEO Computers collection and is included here for signposting purposes only.


Interviewee: John Simmons Read More »

Interviewee: Ralph Land

Interviewer: Martin Garthwaite as part of LEO Computer Society’s Oral History Project

Date of Interview: 31st October 2011

Role in LEO: Bureau Manager, Export Manager

Joined LEO: 1954

Abstract: Ralph joined the Lyons Teashop Division in 1953 as management accountant for the Teashops and transferred to LEO in 1954. He rose to manager of the LEO City Office followed by spells in promoting LEO exports in Paris and Dusseldorf before heading the LEO/English Electric team working in Eastern Europe including Soviet Russia. His subsequent career until retirement was with Rank-Xerox and Rolls Royce working on exports to Eastern Europe.

Link: http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/det/53363/Ralph-Land-Interview/

Text: Edited by Ralph Land and Hilary Caminer

Recording: MP3 (recording and transcript to be added).

Copyright: LEO Computers Society

Date : 31st October 2011

Interviewee: Ralph Land Read More »

Interviewee: Mary Coombs (née Blood) DOB: 1929

Interviewer: Thomas Lean, British Library

Date of Interview: 2010 

Reference: C1379/16 

Role in LEO: Programmer

Joined LEO: 1953

Abstract: This is a full oral history of the life of Mary Coombs as part of the British Library Oral History series on the life of selected British Computer scientists.

Repository: British Library, National Life Stories, An Oral History of British Science

Type of recorder: Marantz PMD661 on secure digital (Sessions 1-4) Marantz PMD660 on compact flash (Sessions 5-9).

Recording format: Wav 24 bit 48 kHz (sessions 1-4) WAV 16 bit 48 kHz (sessions 5-9) Total no. of tracks 9 Stereo Total Duration 07 hours:14 minutes:40 second

transcript of this interview is available online.

(Copyright/Clearance: Open except for 00:56:57 – 00:59:15 of track 7 and 00:21:51 – 00:22:49 of track 9; these sections are closed for 30 years until June 2041.)

Please Note: This item is not in the LEO Computers collection and is included here for signposting purposes only.


Date : 2010

Interviewee: Mary Coombs (née Blood) DOB: 1929

Interviewer: Google

Date of Interview: 21.11.2011

Role in LEO: Programmer

Joined LEO: 1953

Abstract: Google interviewed and filmed a number of old LEO employees including Mary Coombs as part of the celebration at the Science Museum of the 60th anniversary of the roll out of the first business application on the LEO I computer. Narrated by Georgina Ferry.

Please Note: This item is not in the LEO Computers collection and is included here for signposting purposes only.

Other references to Mary Coombs include:

Date : Unknown

Link: http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/det/56445/Mary-Coombs-shares-her-story/

Interviewee: Mary Coombs (née Blood) Read More »

Interviewee: Brian Grimshaw                                             DOB 24 December 1948

Interviewer: Mike Hally

Date of Interview: 9th February 2021

Editors: Mike Tyzack (P1) and Mike Jackson (P2) Mar 2021

Joined LEO installation Shell Mex & BP Wythenshaw: 1967

Role on LEO: Computer Operator starting with offline work, progressing through tape loading to full control of the computer.

Left LEO/Shell:1968

Abstract: After Grammar School joined Shell Mex & BP’s LEO III as a computer operator. Moved within Shell onto an ICT machine operating, then plug-board programming. Programmed a UNIVAC machine then an IBM 360. Was transferred to documentation. Self employed in Holland then contract programmer. Specialised in security installation and implementation.

Repository :http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/det/62994/Brian-Grimshaw-Interview/

Copyright: Leo Computers Society.

Restrictions: None known

Interviewee: Brian Grimshaw        Read More »

Interviewee:   Ken Kemp                                         DOB during the war

Interviewer: SELF see memoirs and reminiscences below

Date of Interview: September 2020

Joined LEO: September 1964

Role in LEO: Trainee programmer progressing to Head of Systems & Programming

Left LEO:       Transferred to BARIC leaving in 1984

Abstract: Following graduation joined as trainee programmer on LEO III at LEO’s Bristol bureau. Progressed to Head of Systems & Programming. Migrated to System 4, finishing working for Baric which he left in 1984.. On leaving LEO worked as a project manager or software manger with several national companies until retirement. Then joined the project to emulate LEO programming on a PC. Provided comprehensive review of LEOSoftware and Utilities. See http://sw.ccs.bcs.org/leo/KenK.htm

Repository memoir:: 


Copyright: Leo Computers Society.

Restrictions: None known

Interviewee:   Ken Kemp     Read More »

Interviewee:   Margaret Fox                                      DOB pre war

Interviewer: John Daines

Date of Interview: 19th July 2017

Editors: Hilary Caminer (P1) and Frank Land (P2)

Joined LEO: not known

Role on LEO: Programmer

Left LEO/customer: 1962

Abstract: After leaving University she joined LEO as a programmer working on payroll. After giving birth she did some home working. Then she moved into teaching followed by clerical work then data input.

Repository: http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/det/63001/Margaret-Fox-(Margaret-James)-Interview-19th-July-2017-63001/

Copyright: Leo Computers Society.

Restrictions: None known

Interviewee:   Margaret Fox   Read More »

Interviewee:   Mike Jackson                                      DOB 1931

Interviewer: Elisabetta Mori

Date of Interview:  25th July 2018

Editors: Mike Jackson (P1) and Frank Land (P3)

Joined LEO 1957

Role at LEO: Programmer, lecturer, project manager, senior consultant (sales)

Left LEO       1964

Abstract: After University joined LEO as trainee programmer on LEO II. Later lectured on a course. Project leader for Eagle Star pension fund on LEO II/1. Project Manager for British Oxygen on LEO II/7.Wrote specification for Perkins Engines service job on LEO II/5. Rose to Senior Consultant (sales) writing proposals for sale of LEO III to many customers. Oversaw installation of LEO III to some of them. Moved to Freemans Mail Order as Computer Manager on LEO 326. Became Administration Manager, helping to transform the company with groundbreaking applications. Moved to Perkins Engines as Group Director Management Services. In 1980 moved to a company providing bespoke applications using micro-computers. Outside interests included dinghy sailing to international standards and designing what became an Olymbic class dinghy.  Also enjoyed flying and owned his own small aircraft.  Married Helen Clark a LEO programming manager.


Copyright: Leo Computers Society.

Restrictions: None known

Interviewee:   Mike Jackson        Read More »

Interviewee: Ian Bruce                                                            DOB: 11 November 1947

Interviewer: Mike Hally

Editor: Tony Morgan and Frank Land

Role in LEO: Site engineer

Joined LEO (EELM): circa 1967

Date of Interview: 5th July 2017

Abstract: Left school in Edinburgh aged 15 to be apprenticed to his father’s Radio and TV supply and repair shop.  After 4 years, expecting to take over the business, his father sold the business leaving Ian to find a job.  On seeing an advert by EELM for computer engineers applied, sat the aptitude test and was offered job of trainee Data Prep engineer,  Assigned to work at CAV LEO III site in Acton.  Subsequently took on computer maintenance with special skills in maintenance of magnetic tape.  Worked on a number of sites including Post Office LEO 326 in Edinburgh and later on a range of ICL computers.  Became team leader but retired when offered early retirement Fujitsu after 35 years service.  Keen on sports and still active as a swimmer.

Copyright: LEO Computers Society

Restrictions: None known

Repositary: http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/det/62999/Ian-Bruce-Interview-5-July-2017-62999/

Ian Bruce Read More »

Interviewee: Peter Wharton

Interviewer: John Daines

Date of Interview: 2nd November 2016        

Editors: David Phillips (P1) and Bob Marsh (P2)

Additional Editing: Frank Land (FL)
Joined LEO: 1962
Role in LEO: Programmer
Abstract:  After West Bromwich Grammar School and graduating with a maths degree from Leicester University. Following the advice of a friend who had become a computer programmer, responded to a LEO job advert, was called for an aptitude test at Hartree House.  Offered job as trainee programmer using CLEO, and with his background in maths was assigned to John Caldwell’s Mathematical Programming Group at Minerva Road. Worked on production of linear programming package for solving the transport problem principally for Shell.  Notes that unlike the programming groups at Hartree House the Minerva Road group had not adopted a setoff programming, testing and implementation procedures.  Moved to join programming teams in Hartree House, and in 1964 after merger with EE selected as member of EELM team to work on RCA Spectra 70 and in particular the design of multiprogramming software for what was to become System 4. Married fellow LEO programmer Sheila Milne.  On return to UK moved to Kidsgrove. With formation of ICL advanced rapidly at Company level rising to Chief Engineer working under Technical Director.  Became involved in collaborating with Universities including appointment as Visiting Professor at Southampton University and research collaborating with Durham University.
Repository : http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/det/53382/Peter-Wharton-Interview-2nd-November-2016-53382/
Copyright: LEO Computers Society
Restrictions: None known

Peter Wharton Read More »

LEO Interviewee:   Ninian Eadie             DOB 15th March 1937

Interviewer:   Two Interviews, by ArchivesUK, and for LEO Oral History Project by John Ferguson plus a third memoir by Eadie himself. 

Date of Interview: LEO interview 6th July 2017
Joined 1960
Role in LEO: Joined LEO as a trainee programmer, rose rapidly in a variety of roles including teaching, defining CLEO, sales management in South Africa, managing the important Post Office project and taking senior management roles in EELM and subsequently ICL and Fujitsu. 
Left LEO, on 1967 merger to take senior roles in ICL
Education, prep school, Winchester, Balliol College, Oxford (PPE).  After National Service in the Navy joined LEO as trainee programmer.  His LEO career included teaching on training courses, joining LEO teams assisting customers like Cerbos, defining LEO III software, acting as sales manager for LEO’s joint  venture with Rand Mines in South Africa, and culminating in the role of Project Manager for the LEO III and System 4 Post Office project, the largest and most technically and politically project in LEO history.  Following the merger which created ICL in 1967, he took on a series of increasingly senior roles for ICL and its successor companies, including managing ICL’s international sales organisation, acting as assistant to ICL’s chief executive and under Fujitsu became (1993 -1996) Group Executive Director for Technology before retirement.  Amongst his outside interests he became an internationally recognised Dinghy racer. 

Repository ArchiveIT:  Ninian Eadie – Archives of IT (archivesit.org.uk)              Repository recording  and  edited transcript by John Ferguson: http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/det/63000/Ninian-Eadie-Interview-6th-October-2017-63000/

Repository memoir:https://docs.google.com/document/d/11helrhqsYB1bjMijqiolYOAcyPFrCHxA/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=106995194925914651236&rtpof=true&sd=true

Ninian Eadie Read More »