LEO editor

the Newsletter of ICL Australian veterans, includes a number of references with a LEO theme: Report on Heritage Lottery Fund to LEO Computers Society and CCCH, page 4-5; an article entitled ‘Two Faces of note’ by Neil Lamming providing a sketch of the roles played by David Caminer and John Pinkerton in the LEO story, pages 16-17; and a personal history of David Llewellyn Jones, who joined LEO in Australia in 1964, page18.

Pearson, I., (ed) (2019), ICL AllStars Magazine, Issue 61, Summer, Read More »

the Newlsetter of ICL Australian veterans, includes a number of references and photographs with a LEO theme, including on pages 6 – 9 a report on the visits to Australia of Peter Byford and Hilary Caminer in the very hot summer of 2019, and includes a photo on page 27 of the Shell Data Centre LEO III with Alan Sercombe, Peter Gyngell, Wallace Weaving and Gary Driver.

Pearson, I., (ed) (2019), ICL AllStars Magazine, Issue 62, Autumn, Read More »