LEO editor

the aptitude test devised by TRT for applicants for programming or operator jobs with LEO and its client users. The documentation was collected and digitised by Mike Moller and John Hoey. QUIS was widely used by the LEO community and regarded by many as better than the IBM aptitude test for identifying programming talent.

Moller, M. and Hoey, J., (2018), QUIS Read More »


October 3rd-7th: paper presented at 4th Conference on the History and Philosophy of Computing in Brno, Czech Republic. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8771208 
October 11th: presentation about Validity and Correctness in LEO I and II at the Alan Turing Institute. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/history-and-philosophy-of-programming-meeting- tickets-37255156175?

October 20th, presentation of paper about LEO at PROGRAMme: roundtable CNAM – Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Paris https://philpapers.org/rec/PRIVAC


May 16th, 2018: Seminaire HEPI: University of Lille, on the history and philosophy of computing.I presented a talk “From Academia to Business: LEO computers and Olivetti. Two case studies in the early European Computer Industry”. The other lecturer of the seminar was Pierre Mounier-Kuhn.


21 February, 2019 Computer Conservation Society seminar

Olivetti and the early Italian computers


??EM is going to Lille tomorrow for a seminar. Her paper may be seen here: https://programme.hypotheses.org/spring-workshop-i-machines . It is part of a 4 year planned programme and will be published in 2022.

  • 14 February 2021 Talk on LEO at the Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Materiels (CNAM) in Paris. 2.5 hour workshop conducted with a French historian. ‘Les Debuts de l’Informatique de gestion en Italie et Angleterre.’


BCS (South Wales Branch) Thursday 16 May 2024, 7:00pm – 8:30pm Webinar

Lyons and the Emergence of Business Computing


LEO Computers were a series of machines designed, developed, and manufactured for business applications between 1947–1968 by the British catering firm J. Lyons & Co. and its subsidiary LEO Computers Limited.

The presentation takes the LEO Computers as a case study for understanding the emergence of business computing, aiming to analyse both how the introduction of computers affected commercial enterprises and how computer design changed because of the new requirements of business data processing. If a recording is made available the link will be also posted here.

Mori, E. (2016-2021), Presentations, list of presentations: Elisabetta’s presentations – to be added to cumulative listing Read More »

  1. Mori, E., (2022), My LEO history PhD, presentation with discussion, via Zoom, of Dr Mori’s PhD – both its main content and aspects of her journey to completion, highlighting publications, conference presentations and related work such as taking Oral Histories for LEO Computer Society. The presentation was followed by a lively discussion on her work and what it suggested for future work and projects. A recording of the presentation and discussion can be found at: Elisabetta Mori PhD

Mori, E., (2022), My LEO history PhD,  Read More »