LEO editor

  • presentation to Hawker Association on July 14th 2021 at the invitation of Colin Wilson, President There were 33 attendees including John Tritton invited by Neville Lyons. John Tritton subsequently writes “Dear Neville, Your presentation was most interesting and informative, and so well researched. I’m glad that it was recorded so that I can watch it again, or recommend to friends. The same applies to your talk on LEO itself.I bought a copy of Peter Bird’s book from the man himself when he gave a talk some thirty years ago. I must read it again.
    Once again, thank you.” The edited recording, including questions/comments at the end: https://youtu.be/Xh_eWjsh3sw

Lyons, N., (2021), LEO the worlds first business compute Read More »

Financial Times, March 12th, 2018, https://www.ft.com/content/e1afa168-ef79-11e5-9f20-c3a047354386 ,

“Another remarkable fact from Electronic Dreams: which UK company would you imagine was, by 1951, the world’s first to use a computer for business, and started making computers for other companies? It was J. Lyons and Co, the teashop chain. Its computer business, LEO, kept going until 1963. Lyons’ role as a computer manufacturing pioneer is the more astonishing — at least to anyone old enough to remember the ostensibly low-tech J. Lyons cafés — in that there was stiff competition from within the UK; companies such as Ferranti, Elliott Brothers, English Electric and British Tabulating Machinery were all selling British boffin-made computers globally.”

Margolis, J, (2018) Review: ‘Electronic Dreams’ by Tom Lean, Read More »