LEO editor

This document has been produced by people who programmed the LEO III computer in the 1960s to describe some of the techniques and methods which were in use at the time. The objective is to provide information to help people understand how the LEO III was used for data processing using the hardware and software available at the time. These techniques and methods are now obsolete and hence are probably not understood by those who did not experience computing in the 1960s. See http://sw.ccs.bcs.org/leo/KenK.htm This document is part of the project to emulate and run programs written for LEO III. Original reference manuals are available and should be consulted for technical information on the hardware and software. They came in 5 volumes:- See Volumes I, III, IV and part of V are available in digital form at http://sw.ccs.bcs.org/leo/Manuals.htm

Kemp, K., (editor), LEO III and PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES, Read More »