LEO editor

A substantial account of the project to rediscover and emulate LEO III programming software. Under the heading Software in the Society Activity section two other items are reported by Holdsworth: LEO III Rescueleo.settle.dtdns.net/LeoCode/impasse.htm. and LEO III Documentation, leo.settle.dtdns.net/LeoMan/LeoMR.htm The whole issue can be downloaded from http://www.computerconservationsociety.org/resurrection/res70.htm#e

Holdsworth, D. (2015) A LEO III: 21st Century Hindsight, in Leatherdale, D., editor, Resurrection Issue 70, pp. 21 – 30, Journal of Computer Conservation Society, Read More »

David has commented:“…it looks a lot like a real Leo, or so I am told by people who knew the real thing. What is more important than the replica is the software that we have, namely the Intercode Translator, the Master Routine and its accompanying generator programme. All three run successfully on our replica. There may be the odd malfunction, but that was common in computing in the 1960s.”

Holdsworth, D. (2016) Intercode and Master Routines, Resurrection, Issue 73 pg.7. Read More »