LEO editor

URL http://www.citeulike.org/journal/els-09638687

The contents of the issue are as follows:

Aris, J.B.B., Preface, pp 253-254

Baskerville, R., The LEO principle: perspectives on 50 years of businesscomputing, pp 255-263

Cox, G., Business computing 2001-the state of the art, pp 285-294

Mowery, D., 50 Years of business computing: LEO to Linux, pp 295-308 Yapp, C., Conference sponsors’ panel: what have we learnt in 50 years? pp 309-320

Shirley, S., Panel: social and economic consequences of business computing and public policy,
pp 321-330

Ashworth, J.M., Knowledge and digital information, pp 331-337

Hudson, R., Panel: crystal ball, 2001-2051, pp 339-353

Ein-Dor, P., The world and business computing in 2051: from LEO to RUR? pp 357-371

Amaravadi, C.S., The world and business computing in 2051, pp 373-386

Schell, E.H., The world and business computing at mid-century, pp 387-395

Galliers, R. (ed.) (2003) Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Vol. 12, No. 4, December. The Issue is devoted to the 2001 conference at the London Guildhall celebrating the 50th anniversary of the rolling out of the world’s first business application at the Cadby Hall headquarters of J Lyons and Company on their LEO I computer. Read More »