LEO editor

Leo Computers Society Vol. 4, Spring 2018, pp. 1-22, 
The issue includes articles by Peter Byford, John Daines, Frank Land, Lisa McGerty, Elisabetta Mori, Phillip Bird, Mike Storey, Tony Morgan, Stan Holwill, Bill Forfar, WEJ Parry, Tony Davies, Bob Stevenson. The issue can be read or downloaded from the LEO Computers Website at http://www.leo-computers.org.uk/

Caminer, H., (Editor), Behr, B., (Production), (2018), Newsletter and Review, Read More »

Leo Computers Society Vol. 8, Winter 2020, pp. 1-17. Accessing LEO Matters as of November 2020: Firstly the edition is embedded in LEO Computers Society new Website as a “Post” which means members will be able to comment or ask questions when they view it. To do this you members have to be logged in but if members click on “Leave a Comment” in the Post the system will ask them to log in. Login details are the email address used in this message and the password is teashops .Secondly the contents list in the document will take you directly to the article if you click on an item. There is also an external contents list which will take you to the page of each article. (However due to a small technical issue it only takes you to the page so you should scroll down if you don’t see the article you expect)
If you don’t want to leave any comment you can see all the material without logging in, simply click on the document front page or contents item . If you do wish to make a comment without logging in please just reply to this email. as we would really like any feedback , ideas for topics for upcoming issues or ,indeed, any views that you may have on LEO coverage. To go to the Post Click Here

Caminer, H., (Editor), Behr, B., (Production), (2020), Leo Matters, , Read More »

Leo Computers Society Vol. 9, Spring 2021, pp. 1-16. This Issue – Index 1. Message from our Chairman Peter Byford, pp. 1 -2. Letter from HM Queen Editor pp. 2-3. Special Visit to Cadby Hall Neville Lyons pp. 3-4. NHLF Project Update Lisa McGerty, pp. 4-5. Zoom, Zoom, Zoom Hilary Caminer, pp. 5-6. Braille Computing Tom Brooks pp. 6-7. Sporting and Social Side Peter Byford p. 8. My Rugby Days Fred Whittaker pp. 9-10. LEO Bridge Teams Tom Brooks, Mike Lawson Dave Alterton p.10. LEO Strikes Oil Mike Hancock p.11. LEO Master Routine Michael Guy p.12. Our Latest Trustee Philip Cleary p.13. (Editor: Can anyone identify people on photos? p.14.) Dates for your diaries p.15.

Caminer, H., (Editor), Behr, B., (Production), (2021), Leo Matters, , Read More »