LEO editor

This a was written by Tom Brooks, who joined LEO as a programmer in June 1963 working on several projects on the Post Office contract including Stores, Telephone Billing, P O Statistics, PO Savings Bank. The article reports on the project using the Post Office LEO machines to produce a Braille system to be used by blind programmers. The successful project was involved the Post Office, the RNIB and LEO personnel and was launched in response to the agreement between the Post Office and EELM for EELM to support Post Office ‘social’ applications.

Brooks, T., (2021), LEO, A Pioneer of Computing for Persons with Disabilities, to be published in LEO Matters.  Read More »

paper published in Journal of Information Technology. Part 1 and 2 published online June 5, 2020 Research Article. and accepted for publication over two issues in 2020 Part 1 Part 1 in print version, Vol. 35, issue 4, pages 361 – 375, A ‘conversation’ between Frank Land (FL) and Antony Bryant (AB): PART I – Antony Bryant, Frank Land, 2020 (sagepub.com)
Part 2 in Vol. 36, issue1 pages 39 -55, March 2021. A ‘conversation’ between Frank Land [FL] and Antony Bryant [AB] – : Part 2 – Antony Bryant, Frank Land, 2021 (sagepub.com)
Reprinted as a selected paper in Schlagwein, D. (Editor, December, Thirty-Five Years of the Journal of Information Technology. To celebrate this, the editors have selected and made open access JIT sample papers across the years via a special collection: https://journals.sagepub.com/page/jin/35yearsjit

Bryant, A., Land, F.F., (2020, 2021), A Conversation between Frank Land and Antony Bryant, Read More »

paper published in Journal of Information Technology. Part 1 and 2 published online June 5, 2020 Research Article. and accepted for publication over two issues in 2020 Part 1 Part 1 in print version, Vol. 35, issue 4, pages 361 – 375, A ‘conversation’ between Frank Land (FL) and Antony Bryant (AB): PART I – Antony Bryant, Frank Land, 2020 (sagepub.com)
Part 2 in Vol. 36, issue1 pages 39 -55, March 2021. A ‘conversation’ between Frank Land [FL] and Antony Bryant [AB] – : Part 2 – Antony Bryant, Frank Land, 2021 (sagepub.com)
Reprinted as a selected paper in Schlagwein, D. (Editor, December, Thirty-Five Years of the Journal of Information Technology. To celebrate this, the editors have selected and made open access JIT sample papers across the years via a special collection: https://journals.sagepub.com/page/jin/35yearsjit

Bryant, A., Land, F.F., (2020, 2021), A Conversation between Frank Land and Antony Bryant, Read More »

ICL All Stars Magazine, Issue 67, summer/autumn 2020, page 18. Report and photos of lunch in Melbourne of LEO Australian veterans.

file:///C:/Users/Dell/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary%20Internet%20 Files/Content.Outlook/CVA422EG/ICLISP.%20Edition%2067%20Final.pdf

Local File Reference

Byford, P., (2020), Lions on the Loose, Read More »

A two-day conference held at Northampton College of Advanced Technology with the co-operation of the BCS.in April 1962. T.R. Thompson presented a paper on considering the fundamental principles for expressing a procedure for a computer application independently of any compiler or computer considerations. See review by Caldwell in Dropbox at: http://www.dropbox.com/s/08ap89c8n26oxjs/J%20Caldwell%20Report%20Automatic%2 0Programming%20Conference%201962.docx?dl=0

Caldwell, J. (!962), Review, Automatic Programming Languages for Business and Science, Read More »

David Caminer kept a personal diary for a few months in 1951, chronicling, both domestic and business events. Hilary Caminer his daughter, secretary of the LEO Computer Science has scanned them for collection in the in the LEO archive at the Cambridge Centre for Computer History.

Caminer, D.T., (1951), Personal diaries, Read More »