LEO editor

An account of the research carried out by Graham Briscoe to discover the copyright holder for the John Simmons book LEO and the Manager and the successful transfer of publication rights to the LEO Computers Society. Resurrection, Issue Number 85, Spring 2019, pp. 25-26. The LEO archive in Dropbox includes three documents including a letter from Stuart MacNab, Director J. & Co. dated 28th January 2019, addressed to Peter Byford chair of LEO Computers Society , confirming the transfer of intellectual property rights of documents relating to LEO I to LEO ComputersSociety. 
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9e2er7hfs4d2a6u/Graham%20Briscoe%20re%20Lyons %20System.docx?dl=0 and https://www.leo-computers.org.uk/images/Leo%20Newsletter%20Spring%202019.pdf LEO Matters, Vol. 5,

Briscoe, G, (2019), LEO and the Managers: Unearthing its ownership, Read More »