LEO editor

The Museum holds and displays a number of LEO II relics including part of LEO II/3
the Corby Stewarts & Lloyds Machine, and various LEO books and documents. Its
record of holdings with photos is well organised and include the oral history of LEO
veteran Chris Date (see Oral Histories below) and can be found on
Museums senior curator, Dag Spicer, is a member of the LEO Computers Society and
its American Correspondent. The Museum also holds a marketing film made for LEO
and donated to the Museum by John Pinkerton. Museum Information about the film
can be found at http://www.computerhistory.org/collections/catalog/102705993 and

See also Anon, (2021), An Introduction to SilicoAn Valley’s Computer History
including listing of LEO artefacts and an introduction to extensive
Oral History collection.

Computer History Museum, SiliconValley Read More »

Many individuals, dead and alive; members of the LEO Computers Society or ex LEO employees, have private collections of LEO artifacts, documents and photographs, some of which are of historical importance. They include:

Private Holdings       Read More »

private archive, collected by Ray Hennessy and Hilary Caminer, part indexed and boxed, and part of the collection scanned and indexed at the Cambridge Computer History collection

David Caminer   Read More »