LEO editor

Institute of Administrative Management (IAM), started life in 1915 as Office
Machinery User’s Association. John Simmons acted as chair and president for many
years and some of its members including Wills were early LEO users. Its journal
includes two articles on the history of IAM including many references to John
Simmons and the Lyons/LEO story. See Gibson in previous section.

Institute of Administrative Management (IAM), Read More »

2002 Seizing the Moment: The Far Reaching Effects of Broadband of
Economy and Society
David Cleevely Analysis Group
2004 Intellectual Property, Entrepreneurs and Company successes Hermann
Director, Amadeus Capital Partners Ltd IET.tv footage
2005 ICT Use in Rural India: Innovations Bridge the Digital
Chasm Professor Subhas
Bhatnagar Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad IET.tv footage
2006 e-Science and Cyberinfrastructure Professor Tony Hey
VP Scientific Computing, Microsoft, USA IET.tv footage
2007 Invention to Phenomenon (Sensation?) Sir Tim Berners-Lee
Director of the World Wide Web Consortium
2008 Web 2.0 (Social Media to Inspire Change) Alex Balfour IET.tv footage
2009 IT: Is it on the money? John Carey, Former Head of Business, Strategy &
IT and interim
CTO, Lloyds TSB IET.tv footage
2010 The relentless march of the microchip Steve Furber IET.tv footage
2011 Internet for all – is the real barrier to reaching this vision: demand,
awareness, usability
or access technology? Dr Mike Short IET.tv footage

Getty Images. A collection of high quality photographs including a number of earlyphotographs of Read More »

Marconi maintain a Marconi History website which includes a section devoted to
LEO Computers and is regularly updated with news from the LEO Computers Society.
Access is restricted to password holders including Frank Land,

Marconi Read More »