LEO editor

You Tube – Released November 30th 2021 to mark the 70th anniversary of the
first live run of a business application on a computer, the LEO I at Cadby
Hall HQ of J. Lyons and Co. a Film, duration about 27 minutes made by Boffin
Films and commissioned by the joint LCS and CCH project funded by the National
Lottery Heritage Fund. The Film tells the Lyons/LEO story and an important
aspect is to tell young people an important aspect of computer history and how
business computing started in the UK 70 years ago. To see the Film click on
Land, F.F. (2022), LEO Film and Video Presentation, PACIS TREGO virtual Conference, July 5th 2022.

You Tube – Released November 30th 2021: Read More »

The AIS LEO Award for Exceptional Lifetime Achievement in Information Systems
The Association for Information Systems (AIS) is the institution linking academics in the
discipline of Information Systems world-wide and has a membership in excess of 3000. It selects members who have made outstanding contributions to the study and
teaching of Information Systems for the LEO Award (its highest honour), named in
remembrance of LEO the First Business Computer. The award was inaugurated in 1999

See https://aisnet.org/page/LeoAward


The AIS LEO Award for Exceptional Lifetime Achievement: Read More »

The LEO’s are named after the world’s first business computer. Created by the Lyons
Company of the UK in 1951 and with installations in Australia by Tubemakers, Shell
and Colonial Mutual. LEO was the first computer in the world to be used to solve
complex analytic problems including (but not limited to) calculating disease among
miners, ballistic problems of missiles, mortality rates for insurance companies, “flutter”
in new aircraft, how to make rain by seeding clouds and even calculating tax tables.
The awards celebrate outstanding achievements in the full range of Business Intelligence
and Information Management activities:
Data modelling, integration, quality, warehousing and mining
Analytics, reporting, dashboarding and scorecarding
Business Process Management
Performance management
Knowledge management and strategy
to name a few. The awards are given to commercial organisations, government, and
education initiatives as well as individuals who have excelled in the end-use of analytics
and information management.
Governance of the LEO Awards is conducted by an Advisory Board consisting of
seasoned members of the Australasian commercial, government and academic
knowledge economy. The Board represent many industries and aspects of hands-on
experience from the end-user community.
The awards were launched in 2010. See The LEO Awards

The LEO Award Advisory Board: Read More »

David Tresman Caminer Postgraduate Scholarship in Business Computing
The scholarship was set up to honour the achievements of David Caminer under the
aegis of The LEO Computers Society .
The Scholarship is funded through the
generosity of the Association for Information Technology (AIT) and its Trustees, and
is valued at £5000 per annum. The scholarships will be available to students who have
demonstrated excellent academic potential. Applications are welcome from students who
have fulfilled the admission criteria and been offered a place to study for a postgraduate
degree based in the School of Engineering and Information Science. A student will only be entitled to one award during his/her period of study with Middlesex University. The
first students were selected in 2011. See http://www.scholarshipsearch.org.uk/grants/the-david-tresman-caminer-postgraduate-scholarship-in-businesscomputing-supported-by-the-leo-foundation-and-ait-trust-at-middlesex-university/hc_edufin.page_pls_user_sch_dets/16180339/220707/sch_id/58303/page.htm
The 2014 award winner Tope Ashiru writes: “Receiving the Scholarship is mind blowing! It has restored me back on track and reinvigorated my career aspirations. My academic progression almost took a dark turn in the light of my father’s prolonged illness which eventually took his life. I had thought it was all coming to a dramatic halt for me but the Scholarship came to the rescue! Now I
can focus on finishing with a first class.

Middlesex University: Read More »

David Tresman Caminer Postgraduate Scholarship in Business Computing
The scholarship was set up to honour the achievements if David Caminer under the
aegis of The LEO Computers Society . The Scholarship is funded through the
generosity of the Association for Information Technology (AIT) and its Trustees, and
is valued at £5000 per annum. The scholarships will be available to students who have
demonstrated excellent academic potential. Applications are welcome from students who
have fulfilled the admission criteria and been offered a place to study for a postgraduate
degree based in the School of Engineering and Information Science. A student will only be entitled to one award during his/her period of study with Middlesex University. The
first students were selected in 2011. See http://www.scholarshipsearch.org.uk/grants/the-david-tresman-caminer-postgraduate-scholarship-in-businesscomputing-supported-by-the-leo-foundation-and-ait-trust-at-middlesex-university/hc_edufin.page_pls_user_sch_dets/16180339/220707/sch_id/58303/page.htm
The 2014 award winner Tope Ashiru writes:
“Receiving the Scholarship is mind blowing! It has restored me back on track and
reinvigorated my career aspirations. My academic progression almost took a dark turn in
the light of my father’s prolonged illness which eventually took his life. I had thought it
was all coming to a dramatic halt for me but the Scholarship came to the rescue! Now I
can focus on finishing with a first class.

Middlesex University: Read More »

2016 Middlesex University David Tresman Caminer PhD Scholarship.
The research leading to a PhD will investigate the role of LEO in the evolution of
business computing with special emphasis on the philosophy which motivated a
company in the food industry to build the world’s first business computer. The
project supervisor is Dr Giuseppe Primiero of the Computer Science
Department. The scholarship is funded by a grant from the AIT. See
http://www.mdx.ac.uk/news/2016/03/first-ever-business-computer-to-be-researched-at-middlesex-university and http://www.mdx.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate-research-degrees/research-studentships/david-tresman-caminer-studentship-for-the-history-of-computing and tinyurl.com/j3oh6ow

2016 Middlesex University David Tresman Caminer PhD Scholarship. Read More »