LEO editor

The event received wide coverage including interviews on the BBC Today programme,
BBC World Service, and BBC5 Live Outriders programme. It was also covered by the
Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail website. A video interview of Georgina Ferry,
Ernest Kaye, Mary Coombs, Ralph Land and Frank Land made for Google was also
presented. The links below include reports in media, video recordings, radio recordings,

Second and Third link broken

60th Anniversary event at Science Museum 11th November 2011: Read More »

TV Channel 5 ran a series of programmes on Disappearing Britain. The third episode
in December 2006, entitled The BRITISH CUPPA WITH WENDY CRAIG, and
included a section on J. Lyons with its Corner Houses and Teashops. This included the
story of LEO including an interview with Frank Land. See also
http://ftvdb.bfi.org.uk/sift/title/824846?view=synopsis and watch on

Broken links above but this link refers https://collections-search.bfi.org.uk/web/Details/ChoiceFilmItems/153808988

TV Channel 5: Read More »

ITV (LWT London area only ) is to show a series of 8 programmes called London
Home Movies on Sunday afternoons. The series will start on 9th November 2012 at 5.30.
Several members have contributed to the series and Trevor Hughes’s contribution is
included in the first programme.
References to LEO will appear in the programme devoted to Work which will appear
on Sunday November 30th at 5.30 pm.
Interviews with David Caminer and Peter Byford will be included with the LEO film
and it will include some footage of a home movie taken by Brian Eaton in the sixties, of
LEO 3 together with an interview with Brian

ITV (LWT London area only ) Read More »