LEO Asst. Editor

Andrews UK Limited. The book is Dame Shirley’s autobiography and as such deals with much more than her involvement with IT and the establishment of Freelance Programmers. It is included in this listing because the formation of F. International, overlaps the foundation and growth of LEO Computers and provides a further perspective on developments in that period. It also notes the help given to her by Kit Grindley (see obituaries below) in the early days of her company. See more

Shirley, Stephanie, (2012), ‘Let IT Go’ Read More »

Kendal Hunt publishers. The publication is about the relationship between ideas (philosophy, Christianity) and art/technology. The intended readership is graphic design students, but is also used a general education class for some
students. Chapter 10, The Computer, Animation, & Gaming includes a photo of LEO I and a brief account of the building of the first business computer by J. Lyons &
Co. The author, Ron Sumner is an artist a Professor at Liberty University in Florida. Available to Purchase

Sumner, R., (2020), I Ideas: How Ideas Shape Your World, Your Creativity, and Your Technology Read More »

Arcturus Publishing , London, includes a section on the Lyons/LEO place in the story of computing, and includes photo of LEO, Chapter 6, pages 106 to 110. Sir Dermot Turing is a nephew of Alan Turing, and 12 Baronet Turing. The book provides a comprehensive and readable account of the story of computing from abacus to a glimpse of how the story might develop in the future. See more

Turing, Dermot, (2018), The Story of Computing Read More »

MIT Press, History of Computing Series, In his chapter on EDSAC he talks about Lyons, starting with a visit to Cambridge by TRT and others in July 1947, mentioning George Booth, the £3,000 donation and loan of Lenaerts and ending with Lyons’ appointment of John Pinkerton, pages 132 – 134 .

4 pages archived at LCS Website

See more or purchase on Amazon

Wilkes, M.V., (1985), Memoirs of a Computer Pioneer Read More »