LEO Asst. Editor

Lavington, S., (2019) Early Computing in Britain, Ferranti Ltd. and Government Funding, 1948 — 1958, Springer Computer History Series. A valuable addition to the exposure UK computing developments in the early years of computers with a focus on the initiatives taken by the Ferranti Company, in particular with their Mark I. LEO is only referred to in Appendix D, see https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030151027

Lavington, S., (2019) Early Computing in Britain, Ferranti Ltd. and Government Funding, 1948 — 1958 Read More »

Marshall, Stephen (2015) ‘The Story of the Computer: A Technical and Business History’, Kindle edition available. 592 pages the story of computing up to, but not including, the advent of smart phones. The LEO project is noted in Chapter 6, pages 198-189 and further mentions are made elsewhere such as the donation to EDSAC (Chapter 5, page 185). Reviewed by Dik Leatherdale in Resurrection Issue Number 79 Autumn 2017. Further References or Buy

Marshall, Stephen (2015) ‘The Story of the Computer: A Technical and Business History’ Read More »

Mathews, S., (2007), From Agit-Prop to Free Space: The Architecture of Cedric Price, Black Dog Publishing, London, U.K., 2007. 285 pp. Cedric Price a “visionary” architect: one whose schemes were grand was hired by Lyons to propose a radical redesign of one of its Corner Houses. In practice Lyons decided that they could not afford the re-design. The book makes a number of references to LEO including photos of a LEO installation. See More

Mathews, S., (2007), From Agit-Prop to Free Space: The Architecture of Cedric Price Read More »