First Annual Leo Lecture at the LSE
The Department of Management Information Systems and Innovation Group at the LSE has agreed to establish an annual LEO Lecture in association with the LEO Computers Society.
The lecture is intended to replace the annual Pinkerton Lecture which was for a number of years hosted by the IET in the UK but has now migrated to India still under the auspices of the IET and is expected to be given on a regular basis, but without any input from the LEO Computers Society.
The first of the LSE/LEO Computers Society LEO lecture was given on the 14th October 2016 by Eric Schmidt, Executive head of Alphabet, parent company of Google.
His theme was entitled From LEO to Deep Mind and took the form of a conversation between him, the chair of the meeting Professor Chrisanthi Avgerou from the Information Systems and Innovation Group, and the audience. The presence of Eric Schmidt gave the event a high profile.
A large audience comprising students, academics and members of the LEO Computers Society enjoyed a free ranging discussion including tributes to the role of LEO, the direction in which computing is heading and its impact on society and why the UK despite its record of innovation has fallen behind the USA..
The event was recorded and a PODCAST is now available.